Title: MIDEM 2025
- I just posted news about the upcoming edition. There are significant changes. For one thing, prices have been slashed to €100/day for a pro pass. It will run Jan 29-31. And perhaps of greater significance, their partner this year is Live Nation, who will most likely bring a higher level of management than the previous two editions. Details here: https://cannes-or-bust.com/2024/10/midem-2025-back-to-the-future/ I know no more than this. More will follow.
- I have made a calculated business move to MICANNES, which will happen in June in Cannes. I can no longer accept the non-communication and non-interest in companies that are not French.
- Hi Alan. Are you referring to the Cannes Lions advertising fair?
- No, I am referring to MICANNES (www.micannes.com)
- Allan, the site is down. Is the event still going ahead?
- I was told that the website was under construction for 2025. Several different venues have been reserved and I have seen the preliminary schedule. As soon as I get more information, I will quickly pass it on.
- Thanks Allen. This looks like a better option though wd like to see the registration dbase from ladt year. If they are not working the music export offices from other countries they are still missing the b
- On the subject of trade fairs, Mama in Paris should be on your radar: https://mama-musicandconvention.com/en/