Business Offer

Main activity
Audio Engineer
Main genre
Language skills
other   German   English  
Music Producer   Recording Studio  
Rock   Experimental   Pop  

Personal profile

I'm Maarten Tamminga. Recording engineer and music producer. I'm in posession of private recording and mixing facilities which I mostly use to record bands and artists. My history as a musician is that of a drummer and keyboard player. My education consists of a bachelor's degree in music production and a bachelor's degree of music in Education. I love taking on new projects and challenges, and making sure I deliver a top notch products and services.

Company profile

As of now setting up a company which holds 1) analogue/digital recording, producing and mastering 2) music management 3) vinyl production, pressing, artwork and distribution. TMP Recording Studio Heerhugowaard. - Recording on tape and to digital - Mixing on the console and in the box - Project planning - Session Drums - Broad network of skilled musicians Studio: - Great sounding recording room filled with instruments - Neutral and accurate control room. Small gearlist: - Soundtracs Solitaire 40 ch inline console - Teac 8516 16 track tape recorder - SSL converters - Outboard compressors / eq's / delays etc