


Do unto others as you would want to have done unto you.


♫ ROK Out Radio ♫♪ The BackBone of NEPA Music! STATION HISTORY: = = = = = = = = = “Tortured mind…A mind that suffers all the time, Torn and Blind Stripped, away forgot, and cast aside, hands are tied, and I can’t do a thing. hands of mine, hands of mine, I'll fight until these hands are mine.” ~ Bound Alive After working for another radio station for one month and fourteen days and not having any control in what I wanted to do, I chose to take the back door out and form my own station to where I am in control, doing what I enjoy, being on radio promoting the local music scene. I hope that you all enjoy this new endeavor of mine. My name is Lucia Maria, located in Scranton PA. I am very lucky to have been able to take something that I am very passionate about and make it a dream come true. Ever since I was 21 years of age, I was always a fan of the local music scene here in Scranton, PA. There was a lot of talent but I found that some of the local bands had a hard time getting gigs. What better way than to promote and be recognized! Then back in May of 2011, I came across my “twin” Bryan Shumway of the international tribute act CA/CD, who was a perfect compliment to everything that I've been driving to do. Along with that, came a top notch professional staff and great friends. PROGRAMMING: = = = = = = = Mondays 7pm til off the air Tuesdays/Thursdays 7pm til off the air Wednesday/Fridays 7pm til off the air Saturday/Sunday 2pm til off the air Mondays: ROK Bloks Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun: Live Interview Series with Bands from all over the world. Wed: New Musik Night Fri: Free for All Fridays Times can change at anytime; 24 hour notice will be given. Lucia Peregrim Station Owner/President of ROK Out Radio Website : www.rokoutradio.com Email : ladyspitfire@rokoutradio.com Business Phone/Text : (570) 565-9773 .