提供歌曲 (1)

The Journey

  • 2024/7/11
  • 獨立
  • 英文
The Journey
類別 獨立
語言 英文
節奏 up-Tempo
  • Groovy
聲線 女聲
作者 Cristina Pavone (Criwolf)
"The Journey" - LYRICS - Don’t miss your train It’s leaving so fast today It's running away Don’t say it’s too late this time Across a sea of flames burning all your memories Across a sea of flames searching for a lonely time Your time Don’t miss your train Don’t feel ashamed this time Why‘re you so blind Then you fall and hit the ground Across a sea of flames burning all your memories Across a sea of flames searching for a lonely place Across a sea of flames burning all your memories Across a sea of flames searching for a lonely time Your time Calling your name Written by Cristina Pavone (Criwolf) Produced by Eddy Mattei
Produced by Eddy Mattei a producer that worked with Zucchero Fornaciari
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Diana Hopeson
Diana Hopeson 2024/8/5 下午 3:09
"Cristina! you have a soothing voice. Thank you."
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 2024/7/18 下午 5:50
"sounds good !"