Business Offer

Main activity
Main genre
Easy Listening
Language skills
Songwriter   Music Producer  

Personal profile

Music from The Old Git is a mixture of Country/ Pop/ Blues But not any rap sometimes Rock and Roll Love songs Sad Songs Happy Songs Whatever comes along this road called the music business Controlled by the dinosaurs who gobble up people like me and make sure I stay in the shadows unnoticed forever Thats why i stay in the shadows of Indie music I meet up with likeminded songsmiths from all over the world my songs start off as a melodic idea with a lyric attached here and there Some of them mature into songs you either like or dislike I couldn’t care less really if no one wants to hear them Trying to make money out there in music world is like swimming in a pool of alligator’s Everybody wants a piece of you Now and again I come across genuine lovers of songs and want nothing more than to play what you produce no strings attached Years ago did an album with Steve Ashcroft "Somewhere" is available from Itunes CD BABY Etc Under The Kid Menthal Music label All these songs are available for other artists to cover suit female or male singers Easy Listening/Ac Genre Worked with artists in canada/USA/ Australia/Germany/etc

Company profile

Mike The Old Git an independent writer. who collaborates with like minded music makers Some of his collaborations can be found on soundcloud Just one of the many sites he Uses