Murat Ozturk updated their business profile.
2024.04.24.Frederic Maury added Murat Ozturk to their business circle.
2024.04.23.Frederic Maury likes Murat Ozturk's profile
2024.04.04.Keiji Goto added Murat Ozturk to their business circle.
2024.04.03.Keiji Goto likes Murat Ozturk's profile
2024.04.03.Richard Rogers added Murat Ozturk to their business circle.
2024.03.26.Mario Christiani added Murat Ozturk to their business circle.
2024.03.26.Murat Ozturk offers a new song Over the mountains.
2024.03.26.Murat Ozturk updated their business profile.