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Persönliches Profil

Richard ist seit über 35 Jahren in der Musikindustrie in verschiedenen Funktionen als A&R-Mann, Manager, Promoter, Songwriter, Produzent, Dozent und Berater tätig. Zu den Künstlern, mit denen er in diesen unterschiedlichen Rollen zusammengearbeitet hat, gehören Gary Numan, A-ha, Hazel O'Connor, Amy Studt, Mick Karn (Japan), David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen Band, Karel Fialka, Depeche Mode, Dubstar, The Prodigy und Yello um nur einige zu nennen. Richard managt Mick Karn aus Japan, Bill Pritchard und eines der Mitglieder der britischen Chartstars Steps. Unter seinem Bandnamen Racecar veröffentlichte er 2016 ein neues Album mit dem 80er-Jahre-Hitkünstler Karel Fialka, dem Mann hinter dem Hit „Hey Matthew“, am Gesang. Richard war außerdem Co-Autor jedes Songs des Albums und produzierte einige der Tracks. Richard ist außerdem CEO von Malta Music Export ( Er hat in verschiedenen Gebieten Vorträge über die Musikindustrie gehalten und möchte dies ausbauen. Wenn also jemand Ideen hat oder die Kurse in anderen Gebieten leiten möchte, lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen. Nachdem er sechs Jahre lang an einem Kunstsystem mit sechs Formeln gearbeitet hatte, brachte Richard 2015 in den Government Exhibition Halls auf Gozo der Welt „Canvas Music“ näher. Richards System bedeutet, dass er jedes Lied malen kann, das jemals auf der Welt geschrieben wurde. Höhepunkte waren Lieder von Madonna, Coldplay, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Yello, Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton und Snow Patrol. Zu den jüngsten Käufern von Richards Werken zählen Muse und die Elektronikpioniere der 80er Jahre, OMD. Im Sommer 2024 schauen Sie sich bitte seine neue Website unter an


Ncompass Music ist ein britischer Musikverlag, der 1996 von Richard Rogers, ehemaliger A&R-Mann bei Warners, BBC, EMAP, IMP, Southside und IMN, gegründet wurde. Musikindustrie und A&R-Beratung Ich stehe für Beratungstätigkeiten in allen Bereichen der Musikindustrie und insbesondere in meinen Spezialgebieten A&R sowohl für Plattenfirmen als auch für Musikverlage zur Verfügung. Mein umfassendes Branchenwissen habe ich mir in 35 Jahren im Musikgeschäft angeeignet, darunter unzählige Chart-Hits weltweit, und ich glaube, dass dieses Wissen eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für jeden Künstler, Songwriter oder Manager ist, der in der Musikindustrie vorankommen möchte. Ich habe für Unternehmen wie Warner Music Group, IMN,, BBC Radio 2, PRS, Thames Valley University, London Institute of Music usw. in verschiedenen Rollen gearbeitet, darunter A&R, Künstlermanagement, Live-Promotion, Produktion, Songwriting, Redner und Ratschläge unter anderem. Die Beratung kann auf drei verschiedene Arten durchgeführt werden. Entweder durch ein persönliches Skype- oder Telefongespräch, durch Beantwortung einer Reihe von Fragen per E-Mail oder persönlich durch ein persönliches Treffen, wenn diese Option möglich ist. Ich kann Ihnen in nahezu allen Bereichen der Musikbranche mit entscheidender Hilfe und Beratung zur Seite stehen, darunter: • So schließen Sie einen Platten- oder Veröffentlichungsvertrag ab • Wie man in der Musikindustrie auffällt • Zusammenstellung des bestmöglichen Demo-Pakets • Finden Sie das richtige Management und die richtigen Agenten • Erklären unbekannter Bereiche von A&R • Anleitungen zu Produktion, Songaufbau, Songarrangement und Mastering speziell für A&R-Mitarbeiter bei Plattenfirmen und Musikverlagen Wenn Sie an einem kostenlosen zehnminütigen Skype- oder Telefonanruf interessiert sind, um herauszufinden, in welchen Bereichen ich Ihnen am besten helfen kann, Ihre Träume voranzutreiben und Fortschritte in der Musikindustrie zu machen, dann Skypen Sie mich entweder unter richie-rich5555 oder rufen Sie mich unter +49 15781053121 an (bitte seien Sie versichert). …). Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um eine deutsche Mobilfunknummer handelt, wenn Sie aus dem Ausland anrufen) oder schreiben Sie mir eine E-Mail an Richard Erfahrungsbericht August 2014. „Richard beantwortete ausführlich meine Fragen zu dem Musikprojekt, das ich betreibe. Man merkt, dass er weiß, wovon er spricht und dass Richard ein guter Profi in der Branche ist. Für mich ist es wichtig, eine A&R-Perspektive zu haben, wenn man bedenkt, dass es zu den Dingen gehört, die so unbekannt sind, und die hat er mir vermittelt. Ich würde also sagen, dass das Geld gut angelegt ist ... und ich würde Musikern und Managern empfehlen, sich von A&R und der Musikindustrie beraten zu lassen, bevor sie sich an Orte begeben, aus denen sie nicht herauskommen. Er wies auf Dinge hin, die ich wirklich nützlich fand und die ich gerne bei der Entwicklung dieses Projekts berücksichtigt habe.“ Sarah Martin Manager des neuen Künstlers ION.


  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
FREE INDIE 101 CONFERENCE TICKETS I have a limited number of free tickets to the Indie101 online Music and Conference 2024 which is changing format. This year it will be taking place on 3 consecutive Saturdays, April 20, 27 and May 4. If you require a ticket please email me on the M2D internal system. Free tickets available on a first come first served basis. Richard Here's the info: Indie 101 - 2024 Please note the new 3 consecutive Saturday format.  The free ticket allows access to all three days.  indie101 (Online Conference) SAT APR 20  SAT APR 27 SAT MAY 4  Each day is dedicated to enhancing different skills and tasks in their career • Day 1 focuses on Songwriting and Production education • Day 2 explores the ins and outs of the Music Business • Day 3 delves into Promoting and Marketing strategies Here is their roadmap to a solid foundation for your career in music. Discover how to run your music venture while being creative! indie101 is not just a conference; it's your guide to mastering the keystones of the music business without compromising your artistry.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
I have a limited number of free tickets to the ScreenxScreen online Music and Tech Conference taking place from February 6th to 8th. If you require a ticket please email me on the M2D internal system. Free tickets available on a first come first served basis. Richard Here's the info: SCREENxSCREEN (Online Conference) Feb 6 - 8 2024 3 Days/75+ Speakers/25 Sessions/B2Bs/Breakouts and more, Join SCREENxSCREEN for a tech-infused experience, uncovering the latest industry trends and winning strategies. Connect with a dynamic community of like-minded individuals and propel your music career forward. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge technology and explore the ethical side of AI in the music industry. Your journey to the next level starts here! ALSO! They will have a chance to network and meet with speakers and other attendees
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
Tomorrow (Friday) is the small Music2deal get together in Barcelona. To be held at the Manchester Bar (AKA Bar Manchester) in the Gothic Quarter from 6.30pm onwards. Meet UK/Ireland/Malta Representative and A&R Manager Richard Rogers to discuss your work in music and the music industry in general and have an informal chat with other Music2deal members and non members. Any problems call 0049 1578 1053121
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
Music2deal UK/Ireland and Malta representative Richard Rogers will be in Barcelona, Spain from January 12 to 14. On the 12th he will be in the Gothic quarter to meet up with any Music2deal members or potential members for a Music2deal get together in a suitable venue to be confirmed. He will offer free help and advice on the music industry for anyone with any questions. In addition, Richard will be looking to talk to any members who might be interested in taking over the representation of Music2deal Spain as a Spanish partner. Music2deal is currently represented in over 30 territories worldwide. This meet up invitation is open to both members and non members of Music2deal so please spread the word and Richard hopes to see you on the 12th (Friday) at 6pm. If any of our Spanish members can suggest a suitable bar type venue in the Gothic Quarter that would be greatly appreciated. Lively but not too loud. Richard can be emailed via M2D internal mail or on or while in Spain available on +49 15781053121. He looks forward to meeting you all.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
FREE INDIE WEEK TICKETS STARTS TODAY! I have just in the last hour been offered a number of FREE tickets to the INDIE WEEK online Music Conference taking place from today November 6th to the 9th. If you require a ticket please email me on the M2D internal system. Free tickets available on a first come first served basis. Indie Week November 6 - 9, 2023 4 Days/100+ Speakers/25 Sessions This is a great opportunity for Music2deal members to participate in an internationally known online music conference (celebrating the 20th Anniversary) and engage with industry leaders from around the world. ''INDIE WEEK 2023 invites you to a transformative experience designed for musicians, industry professionals, and fans alike. Hosted online (NOV 6-9), this conference aims to equip you for international success, elevate your career through educational panels, and celebrate the 50th anniversary of hip-hop. Whether you're an artist looking to break into foreign markets or a music enthusiast wanting to understand the industry's global dynamics, INDIE WEEK offers you the keys to broaden your musical universe. Join us for an immersive, educational, and celebratory journey into the ever-expanding world of music.''
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
I have a number of FREE tickets to the Indie101 online Music Conference taking place from May 1st to 3rd. If you require a ticket please email me on the M2D internal system. Free tickets available on a first come first served basis. indie101 May 1 - 3 2023 indie101 is an online music conference for artists and music industry professionals looking to build a sustainable career in the music industry. Covering EVERYTHING you need to know before, during, and after releasing new music, including how to monetize your music. Learn while making connections with speakers and other attendees that can have a significant impact on your career. This is a great opportunity for Music2deal members to participate in an internationally known online music conference and engage with industry leaders from around the world. The sessions stay on the platform for three months and can be viewed anytime.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
80s Stars Heaven 17 Interview - Any Music2deal Members Questions? Next month in 'Rich Conversations', here on Music2deal, I will be interviewing 80's hit artist Heaven 17. The group were responsible for hits such as Temptation, Come Live With Me, Crushed By The Wheels of Industry, This Is Mine, Let Me Go, Sunset Now, Play To Win etc. as well as the iconic albums Penthouse and Pavement and The Luxury Gap. Keyboard player Marty Ware had originally formed The Human League and the British Electric Foundation before producing Tina Turner and Terence Trent D'Arby and went on to record 2 albums with Vince Clarke (Depeche Mode, Erasure). Meanwhile vocalist Glenn Gregory teamed up with German singer Claudia Brucken (Propaganda) as well as singing as a main vocalist on Band Aid's multi million selling 'Do They Know It's Christmas'. Would anyone like to submit me a question or two for the band for the interview? Please email me on Music2deal.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
Hi All, Thank you for the FREE tickets take up on the ScreenxScreen ONLINE music and tech festival which starts today and lasts 3 days. February 7th to 9th. I still have four tickets left if anybody would like one so please get in contact asap. Once they are gone there are no more. Cheers, Richard
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
Kraftwerk ‘Random Art Strategy’ Painting, fan participation tomorrow. Be a part of a painting forever! The chance to participate in a Kraftwerk painting for free. (3rd February 2023 only). Art Biennale award winner is recreating the basis for a Kraftwerk album cover tomorrow, Friday 3rd February and requests any fans predominantly in the Dusseldorf area that wish to participate to follow these instructions: Go to the Brauerie Zur Uel, Ratinger Str. 16, 40213 Dusseldorf between 6pm and 7.30pm. Look out for the guy in the Kraftwerk T-shirt and go and speak to him. You then get to choose at random, a space, a number and colour on a grid and your random choices will then automatically be incorporated onto the painting and your place will always be on this piece of abstract Kraftwerk based inspired art. Limited availability of participant numbers which is why this is such a specifically late request. It's free and will take you less than 5 minutes to be part of a Kraftwerk painting. Then you can enjoy the rest of your Friday night in peace.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
Inner Skin, Italian rock group, championed here by Music2deal for a couple of years have signed up to a Swedish Record Label. They play their launch gig in Bonn, Germany this coming Saturday promoting the new album. Doors open at 6.30 at the Rock & Pop Zentrum in Bad Bodesberg and there will be a support band too in what should be a bit of a party atmosphere. As a thank you to Music2deal for help and advice Inner Skin are offering tickets to the show to Music2deal members only for a heavily discounted €10. A maximum of 4 per Music2deal member. Just mention you are a Music2deal member and say 'Music10' on the door. I will be there to offer any advice and support to local bands, managers, singers etc on Music2deal from the area.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
The second part of my conversation with the great Midge Ure (Ultravox/Band Aid/Visage/Thin Lizzy/Rich Kids) will be published exclusively here on Music2deal in the next couple of weeks. Keep an eye out for it as he gives Music2deal members advice on the music industry.
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  • New Post dated
    • Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
    • Ncompass Music/Silverscope Records/M2D
    • Cologne, Germany
    • Großbritannien
Richard Rogers
I have a number of free tickets to the ScreenxScreen online Music and Tech Conference taking place from February 7th to 9th. If you require a ticket please email me on the M2D internal system. Free tickets available on a first come first served basis.
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