提供歌曲 (1)

Red Planet

  • 2021/2/1
  • 原聲帶配樂
  • 英文
Red Planet
類別 原聲帶配樂
語言 英文
節奏 down-Tempo
  • Energetic
  • Dramatic
聲線 男聲
作者 Ilias Panagiotopoulos
發佈日期 2021
發佈藝人 Ilias Panagiotopoulos
It is a mixture of New Age and Epic Music, concluding cinematic pieces from the wide spectrum of Electro-Symphonic Music. It’s free from every musical boundary in order to create a unique sonic journey of a lyrical quality, through the top-notch production skillsets of the composer.
Under The Same Sun - 06 - Red Planet
照片 & 影片


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