songwriterThe Songwriter group will start at the 9th of April 2015 and is about all topics of songwriting & marketing of the songs. Songwriter group is presented by SongsWanted, Germany's leading song casting [...] |
Int. Music Manager Forum GroupThis group is for networking and exchange of information for the member of the 17 Music Managers Forums around the world. Moreover it is a place to contact MMF managers.[...] |
Public RelationsPublic Relations Maßnahmen gehören zum Geschäft wie Komposition und Technik. Mit professioneller Öffentlichkeitsarbeit findet die eigene Arbeit Ressonanz in Medien und Netzwerken. [...] |
Music SpecialistThis group has been organised as a more efficient way to send educational, instructional and informative information concerning the entertainment industry. We will also communicate pending and poss[...] |
Midem: Let's start here and nowHi. Thinking about attending the Midem music trade fair? Got questions, such as "Is it for me?" or "How much will I spend?" Well, throw your questions in here, and use the group to start your networki[...] |
Event Organizers (Music2Deal Industry Mingle events)Join this group if you might be interested in organizing a Music2Deal music industry mingle event in your area. It's a chance for those in the music industry to connect in person and for you to grow y[...] |