Canciones propuestas (1)

Nur mit dir so ganz allein

  • 14-abr-2022
  • Pop
  • Alemán
Nur mit dir so ganz allein
informaciones principales
género Pop
idioma Alemán
tempo mid-Tempo
  • feliz
voz hombre
Autor Jürgen Zobel/Helga Zorn und Uwe Schreier
Release date 2022
Release artist Patricia Larras, De Stöckwurzeln, John Carry u.v.m.
informaciones canción
The Songwriter Team Zobel/Zorn and Schreier präsents the latest title. Discofox and upbeat music are the songs from ZOS Studio and TV. This title is about love and longing. Everyone can find themselves in it. They are the stories of everyday life.
informaciones autor
The team of authors Zorn/Zobel and Schreier has been working for many pop music artists for a long time. Titles like Cappuccino with a lot of foam or Three Stars in the Sky and many more have made it into the media.
LANDR-Nur mit dir Voll ungem-Warm-Medium
fotos & Video

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 14/10/22 18:47
Thomas Thesing
Thomas Thesing 15/04/22 9:19
"Gut Volksmusik+Pop+DiscoFox! Kein zu langer Text , aber voller gutem Text Inhalt. Kann ich gut nachsingen, da die Töne weder zu hoch noch zu tief"