Song offers (1)

The List

  • 2013.09.02.
  • Alternative
  • English
Main info
Genre Alternative
Language English
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Serious
Voice male
Author D.Seagreen
Release date 2013
Release artist Seagreen Blues
Song Description
Its a song that tells the story of people that influenced humanity be it either through negative or positive means
The List

Votes and comments

Stanfield Major, Lyricist
Stanfield Major, Lyricist 2018.11.11. 21:53
"Great voice."
E T 2018.04.27. 21:01
"Gute Performer, Song leider langweilig"
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 2014.09.09. 22:11
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 2014.07.20. 14:25
"A reallyGreat Blues-Rock Voice"
Rebekka Gaber
Rebekka Gaber 2013.11.11. 10:19
Chalam +
Chalam + 2013.09.11. 10:52
"Don on a song! You rock! :)"
Michael  Brass
Michael Brass 2013.09.05. 17:41
Antionette Cronje
Antionette Cronje 2013.09.05. 12:00
"Great work Don!"
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 2013.09.03. 19:27
"great !"