offerte canzoni (1)

Esrarengiz Yabancı

  • 6-feb-2020
  • Pop
  • Turkish
Esrarengiz Yabancı
informazioni principali
genere Pop
lingua Turkish
tempo up-Tempo
  • Dramatic
voce male
informazioni canzone
A song about disloyalty and betrayal.
Esrarengiz Yabancı
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 11/11/21 2.06
Volkan Gücer
Volkan Gücer 27/02/20 11.54
"You have a unique style. That is out out discussion, but your hooks need to be deriven arithmetically within easier blocks to help us get through."
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 08/02/20 12.13