提供艺人 (1)


  • 2015-11-12
    • Pop
  • Solo artist
  • Pop
类型 Solo artist
国家 Norway
  • English
  • Live
EDELPLANET Edelplanet is a musical project that was formed in 2013 by the Norwegian artist Edel Iren Bjelde. The music is ”big”, visual alternative pop/rock. A keyword for the music is ”nerve”, intensity and passion. The lyrics are strong and the music can often be both aggressive and sore at the same time. Edel´s mission is to move the public by singing with the whole spectre of emotions. Her inspiriational sources is Rage against The Machine, Pink Floyd, Kate Bush, Eminem, Alanis Morissette, Sinaed O`connor, Massive Attack and classical music, especially Beethoven. She says herself: ”I dont think I can be placed in a special musical category because I am inspired by a lot of different music”. Two of her biggest inspirational sources is Pink Floyd and Sinead O`Connor. She and her musicians are known to give everything on stage and they have played a lot in Oslo/Norway for the last two years and have therefore become a very good live-act .In February this year she released an album called ”Coming Home” which is now available on Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/coming-home/id960380691 and Spotify. Edelplanet has also recently released a music video on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxuy7RUeUk0 One of Edelplanets highlights this summer was her mini-tour to London this June (2015) where she held two concerts at Cargo and MacBeth, which was a great success. Right after she was interwieved on Ava Live radio in Miami. In Miami her music has also been aired on BompUpradio. Her next goal is now to tour in Germany and Belgium where she already has been aired twice this spring on two different channels. Distribution: http://www.virtuosomusicanddistribution.com/ Sites: http://www.reverbnation.com/edelplanet?profile_view_source=header_icon_nav https://soundcloud.com/edelplanet http://edelplanetmusic.com/index.html
01 Fear 1
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Mr Statesman
Mr Statesman 21-2-20 上午7:19
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 21-2-20 上午12:34
Christian Meyer-Pedersen
Christian Meyer-Pedersen 21-2-19 下午4:06
Björn Djerf
Björn Djerf 16-5-14 下午9:15
Denny  Lara
Denny Lara 16-1-20 下午4:25
Torsten Weiß ( Urfin )
Torsten Weiß ( Urfin ) 16-1-4 下午6:34
"at the end she lost the control about here singing, no power anymore, the song is to long maybe,but the voice is not bad"
Koh Cyrus
Koh Cyrus 15-11-15 上午10:26