Song offers (1)

El Ultimo Abrazo

  • 2017-07-26
  • Instrumental
El Ultimo Abrazo
Main info
Kategoria Instrumental
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Melancholic
Autor David Contreras
Opis utworu
Theme of the album "The Last Embrace" You can listen to it here
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 21-11-11 01:37
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 20-09-13 18:39
Keiji Goto
Keiji Goto 20-09-13 09:00
robert wronkiewicz
robert wronkiewicz 17-09-23 15:57
"bittersweet feel"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 17-08-02 08:12
Michael Pemberton
Michael Pemberton 17-07-27 16:00
"Absolutely gorgeous melody. Ending feels ever so slightly abrupt. We could all probably benefit from having a 2 second pre-roll as MD player is, meh"
Chalam +
Chalam + 17-07-27 03:06
"Beautiful! :)"