
ロシア語   英語  
作曲家   音楽プロデューサ   録音スタジオ   オーディオ・エンジニア   リミキサーおよびスタジオ   レコードレーベル  
ジャズ   ヒップホップ   ラテン   ポップス   ブルース   ファンク   ゴスペルおよび宗教   ロックンロール   ラップ   オールディーズ   ノンジャンル   ソウル   R&B   イージーリスニング   レゲェ  


I'm a music producer. My professional experience covers the whole audio production process: music composition, arranging, recording, audio editing, mixing and mastering. My tracks have been used for commercials, games, as background music for video, by beginners and professional performers and even by bands from different countries, by bloggers. 100+ works in portfolio, 7+ years experience on the stage and audio production. Regular customers and companies from all over the world use my music production services (Heineken,Vodafone,Samsung, Sprite, GMC Motors,VISA, Vivo, Merry me, Amway, etc). With a team of musicians we are create music. Working with a Jazz, funk, latin, hip hop and R&B, EDM,soul, lounge, pop,Chillout styles of music,etc. We can make audio editing, mixing, mastering. Big expirience on the stage and studio production. Audio studio producing a lot of different music. Music for videos, bloggers and advertising companies. customers all over the world work with us.


With a team of musicians we are create music. Working with a Jazz, funk, latin, hip hop and R&B, EDM,soul, lounge, pop,Chillout styles of music,etc. We can make audio editing, mixing, mastering. Big expirience on the stage and studio production. Audio studio producing a lot of different music. Music for videos, bloggers and advertising companies. customers all over the world work with us.


  • New Post dated
    • 作曲家
    • ウクライナ
Oleksandr Skliarov
Hello artists, musicians, singers, songwriters, etc.! My name is Alex, and I am a music producer! I work with a different genres of music and can help you with a music production of your song! I work alone and with a team of musicians, can create and record professional ready for release or label! If you are looking for music, - I am always open for new interesting projects!


  • 2023/06/07
  • 女性
    • ブラジル
    • ノルウェー
    • ...
Oleksandr Skliarov