Title: Midem to host free online networking event in late November

  1. 11 ноября 2020 г. 9:44:08
    Michael Leahy
    Although the online version of Midem this year was fascinating, one important aspect was missing: the ability to network. The news is that between Nov 30 and December, it will host a free online networking event. I don't have the details yet, but this is an interesting development. http://cannes-or-bust.com/2020/11/midem-announces-free-networking-event-in-december/
  2. 15 ноября 2021 г. 19:12:37
    Michael Leahy
    Reminder: Midem is running an online event from November 16-19, 2021. What's more, the event is free! This is an opportunity to earn incredible market knowledge and perhaps build some contacts. Sign up as soon you can: https://www.midem.com/en-gb.html