提供歌曲 (1)
My music is the love
- 2019/10/6
- Techno電子舞曲
類別 | Techno電子舞曲 |
節奏 | up-Tempo |
心情 |
聲線 | 男聲 |
作者 | Victor Burgos Lopez |
發佈日期 | 2003 |
發佈藝人 | LCI |
is an international song disco music total hit written by victor burgos in 2002 it is thought to be an international disco hit this is a demo sound
Im a songwriter very interested on selling the rights of my songs . I ask for offers the songs sound good. I,m in this since i was 20 now i,m 45.Enjoy the listenning please.
05 Pista 5