- 主な活動
- 作曲家
- 主なジャンル
- サウンドトラック
- 語学力
- ポーランド語 スペイン語 ドイツ語 英語
- 二次的な活動
- 音楽プロデューサ 録音スタジオ
- 二次的なジャンル
- ジャズ ヒップホップ インストルメンタル クラシック ポップス
Casper is a composer, producer and pianist. Originally coming from a classical, jazz and film music background, he combines those styles and uses them to his advantage, providing with a modern take on classical orchestration, simultaneously broadening the horizon by implementing beats, electronic soundscapes and making stylistic crossovers. His activities brought him to Air Edel Studios in London as a film composer, recording his music at Abbey Road Studios. Furthermore he also has collaborated and worked for Gino Vannelli, David Bisbal’s Sax-player Pep Poblet and the award-winning television, stage and film actress and singer Simona Rodano. His works has been licensed worldwide, through several different music libraries and networks.