Song offers (1)

Dancing in the Dark with You

  • 2017-05-09
  • Pop
  • English
Dancing in the Dark with You
Main info
Kategoria Pop
Język English
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Energetic
  • Happy
  • Danceable
  • Groovy
Głos kobiecy
Autor Nina Kublun
Opis utworu
groovy sweet song
Info o autorze
Musik & Lyrics: Nina Kublun
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

C.R.P C.R.P 22-03-27 17:33
Emanuel Johnson
Emanuel Johnson 21-08-21 05:54
"Hit me up for the promotion of your songs"
cesli vane
cesli vane 21-07-10 06:21
"Unadorned, but elegant"
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 21-03-17 17:51
Gary Matheny
Gary Matheny 18-12-13 21:43
"good tune"
x x
x x 18-09-11 01:01
"Nice tune!"
Prasanna Ramaswamy
Prasanna Ramaswamy 18-03-23 14:09
Christian Nothaft
Christian Nothaft 17-08-27 08:43
Friedhelm HOLZ
Friedhelm HOLZ 17-08-12 11:58
"Hitparaden tauglich"
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 17-08-09 06:11
Thomas Rodenbach
Thomas Rodenbach 17-08-08 15:10
Travis Keithley
Travis Keithley 17-08-03 01:36
"Thats a number 1 hit"
Rico Dawson
Rico Dawson 17-07-31 01:39
Chalam +
Chalam + 17-05-31 14:02
"A real good song from Nina. :)"
Detlev Kirstein
Detlev Kirstein 17-05-18 11:55
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 17-05-17 11:27
"Really nice!"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 17-05-15 10:05
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 17-05-12 13:03