Canciones propuestas (1)

Wir Flown

  • 09-jul-2022
  • Rap
  • Alemán
informaciones principales
género Rap
idioma Alemán
tempo mid-Tempo
  • serio
voz Rap
Autor Qzengz240
Release date 2020
Release artist Masti, S-ayo, Jankey
informaciones canción
In this song we explain what we do. We are flowing and thats what the song is about 🙌🏻
informaciones autor
The Autors of this Songs are an group who makes music since a few Years. Were in an age about midd twenty. The Name of the solo artist are called in the row they appears in the song Masti, S-ayo, Jankey (together they are QZENGZ240)
- Wir Flown - QZ3NGZ-

Votes and comments

Easychris Music
Easychris Music 9/07/22 23:24