Chansons offres (1)

D'inverno (I Petali Perduti)

  • 28 déc. 2022
  • Jazz
  • Italian
D'inverno (I Petali Perduti)
Info principale
Genre Jazz
Langue Italian
Tempo tempo-moyen
  • mélancolique
Voix femme
Auteur Christoph Lehner
Date de sortie 2022
Artiste de sortie Christoph Lehner Quintett
Info sur la chanson
The tune "Estate" has always been one of my favourite jazz standards. In particular I fell in love with its lugubrious Italian lyrics set against the backdrop of some thrilling bossa nova harmonies. My new tune "D'inverno (I Petali Perduti)" picks up on the image of withering petals buried in the snow as a symbol of transcience and passing. I think everyone can relate to irretrievable loss in life, be it the loss of loved ones, be it the loss of love itself.
D'inverno (I Petali Perduti)_Alice Viola_Christoph Lehner
Photos & Video

Note et Commentaires

Kurt Seßler
Kurt Seßler 11/02/23 14:44
"Sehr virtuos und berührend, Klasse Jazz-Musiker"
Jürgen J. Fischer
Jürgen J. Fischer 19/01/23 21:53
"Sehr schön!"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 11/01/23 00:13