Canciones propuestas (1)

Waiting in the rain

  • 29-jul-2011
  • Rock
  • Inglés
informaciones principales
género Rock
idioma Inglés
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Groovy
voz hombre
Autor Eddy Gabler
Release date 1999
Release artist Eddy Gabler
informaciones canción
A groovy song about a good looking girl
informaciones autor
Eddy Gabler has been making music since he was a child, he is a singer, guitarist and songwriter
Waiting in the rain

Votes and comments

Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 9/11/20 17:15
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 9/04/19 15:37
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 27/11/17 16:42
Madam Tone Tasha
Madam Tone Tasha 28/06/16 18:37
"Sehr gut!"
michael keintzel
michael keintzel 7/06/14 14:58
"Sehr guter Song!"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 6/06/14 6:29
"COOL, makes-me-happy-Song"
Steve Colin
Steve Colin 21/11/13 20:46
Toni Funk
Toni Funk 1/11/13 13:03
jürgen vollmer
jürgen vollmer 9/03/12 16:12
Atinder Saini
Atinder Saini 8/01/12 11:54
Chalam +
Chalam + 29/07/11 17:16
"Ed, that's cool. Your voice sounds masked by the music."