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- 二次的なジャンル
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Tony Catania works over 30 Years successfully in the Music Industry World Wide. He worked with great and successfully Artist like: Scatman John, Lil Wayne& 2Chainz, Michelle, Kori Cosby , Joe Cocker, Usher , PitBull , Black Eyed Peas , Daddy Yankee &many more....Remix for:Lil Wayne& 2Chainz, Michelle, Kori Kosbi , Montel Jordon , Qeen, Dr.Dre, Lenny Krevitz London Beat & many more ..Tony studied the Music History and the SEA " Engineering on the Conservatorium in Italy.Tony went to SAE institution in Frankfurt Germany ...for more Info Check his Web-Site www.catania-music.com out!
Tony Catania works over 30 Years successfully in the Music Industry World Wide, he also have SEA " Engineering Diplom . He worked with great and successfully Artist like: Scatman John, Joe Cocker, Usher , PitBull &many more....Remix for: Montel Jordon , Qeen, Dr.Dre, Lenny Krevitz London Beat & many more ...Tony studied the Music History on the Conservatorium in Italy.Tony went to SAE institution in Frankfurt Germany ...for more Info Check his Web-Site www.catania-music.com out!