ライセンス売り込み (1)

Lass uns heute küssen

  • 2024/09/14
  • シュラーガー
  • ドイツ語
Lass uns heute küssen
ジャンル シュラーガー
言語 ドイツ語
  • コンピレーション
マスタートラックあり いいえ
テンポ アップテンポ
  • 情熱的
  • 幸せ
The title is publisher-free. Changes to the arrangement by another producer/arranger are no problem.
541 / 5.000 There's this person in your circle of friends that you've always wanted more from, but somehow it never worked out. But today is the day that could change - what an opportunity, what a story. And that's exactly what "Lass uns heute küssen" is about, the song we want to offer. The fresh rhythm and the lyrics make you feel the longing. Since we didn't have a demo singer, Matt Eightman fed the AI ​​with his voice. Matt Eightman and Henning Mertens still composed and wrote the lyrics themselves. The song is suitable for male and female performers.
lass uns heute kuessen
写真 & ビデオ
