Falko Lenke voted Philipp James's artist Philipp James with 5 stars ("Sehr ausdrucksstarke Stimme, toller Text!")
2024.08.20.Ni(na)S Hie likes Philipp James's profile
2024.03.08.Andreas A. Sutter added Philipp James to their business circle.
2024.03.08.Ni(na)S Hie added Philipp James to their business circle.
2024.03.07.Ni(na)S Hie voted Philipp James's artist Philipp James with 5 stars ("Diese warme Stimmfarbe gefällt mir gut.")
2024.02.19.tina larissa larissa added Philipp James to their business circle.
2024.02.14.Rony Chandaria added Philipp James to their business circle.
2024.02.07.Kurt Seßler voted Philipp James's artist Philipp James with 5 stars ("Sehr schöne, berührende Kompositionen. Top performed und produziert!")
2024.02.05.Finn Laus Petersen added Philipp James to their business circle.
2024.02.04.Philipp James offers a new artist Philipp James.
2024.02.04.Philipp James updated their business profile.