offerte canzoni (1)

Herbal Beat

  • 11-ott-2017
  • Jingles
informazioni principali
genere Jingles
tempo up-Tempo
  • Energetic
autori Rena, Ron Dohanetz
informazioni canzone
A 30 sec TVc track ready to be published
Herbal Beat (West Africa)

Votes and comments

Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 28/11/20 18.26
Volkan Gücer
Volkan Gücer 05/08/19 15.09
Tim Gordon Menzel
Tim Gordon Menzel 11/07/19 18.37
Petra       Frankl
Petra Frankl 24/10/17 16.57
Sudhir Shreedharan
Sudhir Shreedharan 23/10/17 7.37
"Great stuff !!"
Friedhelm HOLZ
Friedhelm HOLZ 18/10/17 14.59
"Kurz, aber mit toller Stimmung....wieso denke ich gerade an Cola-Rum?"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 16/10/17 11.55
Chalam +
Chalam + 13/10/17 10.05
"Lovely! :)"
Björn Djerf
Björn Djerf 11/10/17 13.47
"Very good"