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Daughter Zion, rejoice (Acoustic Lounge Piano)

  • 7-ago-2024
  • Instrumental
  • No Language
Daughter Zion, rejoice (Acoustic Lounge Piano)
informazioni principali
genere Instrumental
lingua No Language
uso per
  • Ringtone
  • Film
  • Gaming
  • Compilation
  • Commercial
master track available yes
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Christmassy
voce no vocals
realizzazione dati 2024
realizzazione artista Christoph Klueh
informazioni licenze
The album's tracks can be licensed one stop and are registered with GEMA. All rights are held by the artist/producer. More information at
informazioni canzone
This festive Christmas song is one of 12 tracks from my new album "Christmas Lounge Piano". It contains well-known Christmas songs in stylishly arranged acoustic piano versions. More information is available at The complete album or individual tracks are now available for licensing.
Daughter Zion, rejoice (Acoustic Lounge Piano)
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 07/08/24 11.34
"Zeitlich zu früh, aber wunderbare Piano-Musik !"