Song offers (1)

Love on the Road

  • 2020-02-20
  • Jazz
  • English
Main info
Kategoria Jazz
Język English
Tempo mid-Tempo
  • Romantic
Głos kobiecy
Autor Rachel Walker
Data wydania 2017
Wydane przez Rachel Walker
Opis utworu
Good day to You! This is a song I wrote titled "Love on the Road". I recorded this in my studio one day and played all the parts! I hope you enjoy it! Rachel :-)
Info o autorze
I am playing a Roland piano and also played the various parts for the song! Thank you!

Votes and comments

Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 21-06-11 03:39
Fernando Fazzari
Fernando Fazzari 20-07-06 12:27
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 20-07-05 16:30
Cem Atalay
Cem Atalay 20-04-16 09:11
Chalam +
Chalam + 20-03-12 07:18
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers 20-03-11 10:13
"Unorthodox but it works to a large degree. Think Kate Bush meets jazz! I'd be interested to know what effects were used on the vocals?"
Frank Kozlowski
Frank Kozlowski 20-03-02 08:33
"Very nice music !!!"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 20-02-24 09:36
"Nice !!"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 20-02-22 11:03