Canciones propuestas (1)


  • 24-jun-2021
  • Alternative
  • Inglés
informaciones principales
género Alternative
idioma Inglés
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Uplifting
voz hombre
Autor Joshua Bellingham
Release date 2021
Release artist Joshua Bellingham
informaciones canción
I’m terrible at keeping up with people, so I often feel like some of my closest friendships are slipping away. Over the course of the pandemic, the distance between me and many of my friends have been amplified due to the isolation. So primarily I wrote this song for the friends I haven’t gotten to see in a long time. It is a reminder to me and them that our friendship transcends time and distance, and that even when it’s tough we’ll be there for each other. For full press release, please see the following dropbox link:
informaciones autor
Joshua Bellingham is a new independent alt-pop artist with rock, jazz, and R&B influences. After the successful release of his debut EP, Sea of Lights, Joshua is planning on following up with a new single called Friendships, which is set to release on July 9th, 2021.
fotos & Video

Votes and comments

Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 11/11/21 1:01
E T 30/06/21 2:31