
Music Producer
Spanish   German   English  
Audio Engineer   Composer   lyricist   Music Producer   Recording Studio   Songwriter   Film/TV   Education  


BEGINNING Music has been an integral part of Florian’s life since his early childhood. He began playing drums, learned playing guitar by the age of 7, and later added piano to his musicianship. Following his childhood dream of being a record producer and studio owner he founded his first recording studio and production enterprise HIT HOUSE Music Productions in Munich, Germany with his former partner Michael Conrad. After many year in the music business as a song writer and producer his journey lead him to drop out of the music + entertainment business. He decided to become a monk in a monastery. There he turned inwards exploring his inner world. PAST For the following 24 years he dedicated his entire life to self-exploration, consciousness and the empowerment of himself and other people. The last 15 years he traveled the world extensively sharing his insights and experiences of consciousness and human empowerment in public meetings, workshops and retreats with people around the world. PRESENCE After many years he unexpectedly re-discovered his deeply rooted and passionate love for music, production and the music + entertainment industry. Eventually he again began writing songs, engineering and producing records. Consequentially he fulfilled his dream to construct another professional recording studio (vintage NEVE VRP 48 analogue console + contemporary SSL Matrix hybrid console) on the Spanish island of Mallorca.


With his business partner Wolf-D. Gramatke (former CEO of Universal Music Group) he is constantly scouting for new artists who they can produce, develop and support in their career in the music business. In his work as a workshop leader, coach + mentor he now combines his passion for music and production with human + artist development. This expression of what he loves has been a dream of him for many years.