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Blast from the Past

  • 20-dic-2023
  • Jazz
Blast from the Past
informaciones principales
género Jazz
tempo mid-Tempo
  • feliz
Autor Alfredo Zotti
Release date 2015
informaciones canción
Blast from the Past is an original tune composed and recorded and produced by Alfredo Zotti. It is a big band jazz piece which shows that the Central Coast of New South Wales (Australia) has some great jazz musicians. Allan Nash on drums, Peter Brasche on guitar, Frank Holdforth on bass, Mark Banyon on saxophones (alto and soprano) Alfredo Zotti on keyboards, flute and trumpet.
informaciones autor
Alfredo Zotti is a multi talented artist, musician, composer, visual artist, academic and chef. Alfredo lives on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia. He plays in all genres including funk, rock, blues, pop and new age music.
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