提供藝人 (1)


  • 2023/11/7
    • 饒舌說唱
    • 節奏藍調
    • ...
  • 獨唱藝人
  • 饒舌說唱
  • 節奏藍調
  • 流行
種類 獨唱藝人
國家 美國
  • 英文
  • 現場表演
  • 錄音
  • 音樂商業相關顧問服務
I am a artist looking to sign a recording contract, I have been singing since I was 4 years old, I have done multiple covers up until 19 when I learned how to write music, every time I have performed live I have had an amazing positive reaction from the audience, wether it was singing my own songs or even cover songs, I am looking to learn more about the business of music and I take my craft very seriously, I have an album that I started working on in 2019 and have recently started making adjustments to, I have had a manager in the past but recently just started without him, I’m determined to prove to myself that I have what it takes to make it with the little knowledge that I know, and the talent that I have.
照片 & 影片


Eddy B. Walding
Eddy B. Walding 2024/1/18 上午 11:44
TMX I O.  Sacher
TMX I O. Sacher 2023/11/26 上午 7:53
"Send your demo tape here: www.trinitymusix.com/contact"
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 2023/11/23 下午 2:05
"Very good!"
Petra       Frankl
Petra Frankl 2023/11/16 上午 11:17
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 2023/11/13 下午 1:26
Kurt Seßler
Kurt Seßler 2023/11/8 下午 7:16
"appealing mix of pop, rap and R&B"