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Country   Pop  

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McJames Music's catalog has songs recorded by Shiny Toy Guns, Stephen Petree, Johnny Cash, Tiffany, Garth Brooks, White Apple Tree Juice Newton, Hank Williams Jr., Sixwire, Paul Jefferson, Victoria Shaw, Chris Ledoux, ATC, Murray Head, Rose Maddox and John Jorgenson, Aaron Tippin, The Nelsons, Heather Small. PC Quest, Janie Fricke, David Pomeranz, Dan Seals and more along with hundreds of licenses for TV, Film and Commercials, such as....Dancing with the Stars, Gossip Girls, Dirty Sexy Money, Private Practice, Ugly Betty, Motorolla Razor II, Honda CRV, Scion, Bombay Sapphire Gin, Wall Street II, Blood and Chocolate, The Jetsons, Illegally Yours, America's Top Model, The City, The Hills, CSI, and more. McJames Music's catalog now contains over 2700 songs of which over 537 have been recorded for commercial release as well as 19 film scores.