offerte canzoni (1)


  • 13-nov-2019
  • Blues
  • English
informazioni principali
genere Blues
lingua English
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Serious
  • Ballad
  • Groovy
  • Soulful
voce male
autori Professor E!
realizzazione dati 2018
realizzazione artista Professor E!
informazioni canzone
Love is a strong dish.
informazioni autori
Professor E!’s musical-roots are Blues, Gospel, R&B, and, Funk. With the aid of his trusted engineer Professor E! has a way of blending music designed to hit you in the head and tug at your heart. Before you know it you have been philosophized - timed released lows and highs pulling at your soul. Now grab an ear full and get high on the Philosophy of E! by Professor E!.
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Rico Dawson
Rico Dawson 17/01/20 14.42
Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey 11/12/19 15.18
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 03/12/19 17.02
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 14/11/19 19.37
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 14/11/19 9.15
Chalam +
Chalam + 14/11/19 2.25
"Beautiful! :)"