Licensing offers (15)

Ghost Cowboy Legend

  • 17.04.2023
  • Электронная танцевальная
  • Английский
Основная информация
Пол Электронная танцевальная
Язык Английский
Use for
  • Фильм
  • Коммерческая
  • Игровая
master track available yes
Ритм Высокий темп
  • Бодрое
Голос смешанный
Дата выпуска 2023
Релиз исполнителя Ghost Cowboy Legend
Версия Песни
It's simply a hybrid track of many influences.(Country Western & Dance Music)It's the encounter between the golden age of the cowboy western and dance music. It's the blending of a story inspired by the best western films and minimalist yet effective dance beats.
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Votes and comments

Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 17.04.23 19:00
Keiji Goto
Keiji Goto 17.04.23 18:34


  • 21.06.2022
  • Инструментальная
Основная информация
Пол Инструментальная
Use for
  • Фильм
  • Рингтон
  • Коммерческая
  • Игровая
master track available yes
Ритм Низкий темп
  • Меланхоличное
  • Серьезное
  • Драматичное
  • Печальное
  • Душевное
Голос без вокала
Релиз исполнителя Michael Storan
Licensing info
The track is available pre-cleared for immediate Sync Licensing. ©PA74 Music
Версия Песни
The original meaning of rendition is the act of surrendering to a powerful force, which is what this album aims to portray. Rendition is the ultimate stage of the path one takes when faced with the true power of nature and the realistation of the intrinsic human necessity for a connection with it. The tracks of this album represent my own journey of awakening to a state of being in which one is neither subject nor object but one whose existence is enmeshed and engaged in the world. In other words, an inner realisation of oneself leading to my rendition.
7. Reflection
Фотографии & Video

Votes and comments

Jürgen Joherl
Jürgen Joherl 22.09.22 2:24
Keiji Goto
Keiji Goto 01.07.22 17:18
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 26.06.22 10:41

Never look Back

  • 17.06.2022
  • Электронная танцевальная
  • Английский
Never look Back
Основная информация
Пол Электронная танцевальная
Язык Английский
Use for
  • Фильм
  • Рингтон
  • Компиляция
  • Коммерческая
  • Игровая
master track available yes
Ритм Высокий темп
  • Танцевальное
  • Романтичное
  • Душевное
  • Счастливое
Голос мужской
Релиз исполнителя Rick Francis featuring Bowman and TXMIC
Licensing info
The track is available pre-cleared for immediate Sync Licensing. ©PA74 Music
Версия Песни
Never Look Back, written by Rick Francis a german pop and dance producer tells the story about a girl struggling with her past, unsure if she’s ready for a new relationship while her new boyfriend tries to convince her to leave the past behind and give their love a chance. Rick Francis takes the listener into an atmosphere of love, emotions and longing by combining warm and chilling RnB harmonies with groovy hiphop rythms. This song is featured by Bowman (Vocals) and TXMIC (Rap) both located in the US.
RICK FRANCIS Never Look Back
Фотографии & Video

Votes and comments

Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 30.06.22 19:59
Michael Leahy
Michael Leahy 30.06.22 14:59
"Nice work, although it might fall between the genres of mainstream R&B and pop."
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 28.06.22 16:55
"A very good nice chilling RnB song!"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 26.06.22 10:42
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 20.06.22 10:46