Proponowani wokaliści (1)

Larissa Tormey

  • 2015-12-20
  • kobieta
  • Ireland
Larissa Tormey
Imię i Nazwisko lub Pseudo Larissa Tormey
Wiek 47
Wzrost 170
Waga 70
Kraj Ireland
  • World
  • Gospel & Religious
  • Easy Listening
  • Country
  • Folk
Typ wokalny
  • Wokal wiodący
  • Chórki
Larissa Tormey is a Russian-born, Ireland based singer who performs contemporary and Irish Country music. The singer released her debut album, Perfect As I Am, in November 2014. This was followed by the release of her Charity Christmas single, Special Christmas, which was listed among the 6 top Christmas Singles by Irish Independent, leading Irish newspaper. As a classically trained vocalist and pianist, Larissa never dreamed that she would ever become an Irish Country singer. Originally from the bustling city of Moscow, the singer/songwriter fell in love with an Irish Farmer and moved to the quieter countryside in Ireland in 2001. And, living on a farm has had a huge impact on her writing, which was influenced by classical, contemporary, jazz, pop and folk music.
Only a Woman
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

C.R.P C.R.P 22-03-09 08:09
Mr Statesman
Mr Statesman 21-01-31 22:47
Rolf Höllrigl
Rolf Höllrigl 21-01-22 17:21
"I love this voice!"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 16-02-06 11:55
Franklin Ortiz
Franklin Ortiz 16-01-27 01:24
"Good classic country song. Good voice and music production"
robert wronkiewicz
robert wronkiewicz 16-01-08 13:03
"touching voice, nice arrangement"
Jochen Schaumann
Jochen Schaumann 16-01-07 20:42
"Profimäßiger Gesang, warmes feeling - eine der besten Stimmen dieses Portals."
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 16-01-07 16:18
"Very good!!"
Jürgen J. Fischer
Jürgen J. Fischer 16-01-07 11:25
"Nice Songs - If you want, we can work together ? Julius"