Business Offer

Main activity
Record Label
Main genre
Language skills
French   English   German  
Event Agency  

Personal profile

Hey! My name is Marius. As a music lover I've my passion to support Artists to bring them on stage. Because many artists have the talent to make music by their own, but don't know how to deal with the music business, I'm including a music label to my event agency! We're helping artists to get listened with own Songs first, bring them to other booking agency and at the end we're the concert-tournee and festival production for the artists signed at our label! Let me know, if you like to be part og the Lion Music Group! Best regards,y yours Marius Roth

Company profile

We are a start-up label that supports every genre in the music world. For this purpose we are founding a concert & festival production to promote the artists under our label on stage.