Canciones propuestas (5)

Weihnachten daheim

  • 25-feb-2023
  • Pop
  • Alemán
Weihnachten daheim
informaciones principales
género Pop
idioma Alemán
tempo mid-Tempo
  • feliz
voz hombre
Autor Klaus Wittelsbach
Release date 2021
Release artist Klaus Wittelsbach
informaciones canción
The song describes an old family custom: the annual Christmas party with grandparents in the country. Here is the full picture of the song: But of course you can also completely replace the text with a better one.
informaciones autor
Klaus Wittelsbach: Musician, composer, sound engineer I'm looking for an exploitation for this song.
Weihnachten daheim
fotos & Video

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 7/03/23 19:11

lecker lecker Erdbeer-Eis

  • 23-feb-2023
  • Pop
  • Alemán
lecker lecker Erdbeer-Eis
informaciones principales
género Pop
idioma Alemán
tempo mid-Tempo
  • feliz
voz hombre
Autor Klaus Wittelsbach
Release date 2021
Release artist Klaus Wittelsbach
informaciones canción
They did exist, those hot, lazy summer days. That's what this song is about. But of course you can also completely replace the text with a better one.
informaciones autor
Klaus Wittelsbach: Musician, composer, sound engineer I'm looking for an exploitation for this song.
lecker lecker Erdbeer-Eis
fotos & Video

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 7/03/23 19:11

unten am Kanal

  • 23-feb-2023
  • Pop
  • Alemán
unten am Kanal
informaciones principales
género Pop
idioma Alemán
tempo mid-Tempo
  • romantico
  • melancolía
voz hombre
Autor Klaus Wittelsbach
Release date 2021
Release artist Klaus Wittelsbach
informaciones canción
Somehow I (17 years) had quarreled with Melanie (16 years). So I left, but got stuck a few streets further in Hanover-Vinnhorst. In the port on the Mittelland Canal. But of course you can also completely replace the text with a better one.
informaciones autor
Klaus Wittelsbach: musician, composer, sound engineer
unten am Kanal
fotos & Video

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 7/03/23 19:12
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 22/02/23 11:02