Licences offres (1)

Slow Down In Town

  • 10 mai 2017
  • Instrumental
Info principale
Genre Instrumental
Utilisez pour
  • Compilation
  • Commercial
  • Film
master track available Oui
Tempo tempo-lent
  • mélancolique
Voix sans voix
Info sur la chanson
Ballad melancholic between lightness and some sadness with clear guitar melody and flute improvisation. Harmoniously challenging.
Slow Down In Town

Note et Commentaires

Geradin  Fotsovich
Geradin Fotsovich 04/05/19 08:43
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 07/04/19 08:39
Prasanna Ramaswamy
Prasanna Ramaswamy 17/01/18 10:22
MONICA PELAY 03/10/17 14:47
Carsten-Joachim   Müller
Carsten-Joachim Müller 16/09/17 06:01
"High-Level composition - I love - my compliment"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 05/07/17 13:02
Fabian Kick
Fabian Kick 02/06/17 18:15
"Nice! Sehr schöne Harmonieführung!!!"
Michael Pemberton
Michael Pemberton 01/06/17 16:00
Christian Meyer-Pedersen
Christian Meyer-Pedersen 17/05/17 17:47
"Sehr sehr schön!"
Chalam +
Chalam + 17/05/17 11:22
"A beautiful composition. :)"
LHMPR Radio 16/05/17 18:37
"I hope you have a Music Supervisor who is submitting you to Showtime or HBO. Nice intro music for new series."