Песни предлагают (1)

Bajre Da Sitta

  • 04.09.2019
  • World
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Bajre Da Sitta
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Голос женский
Автор Steven North
Дата выпуска 2017
Релиз исполнителя Steven north
Версия Песни
Taken from the music album, The Journey by Steven North, Bajre Da Sitta which is about the magical power of the woman. Bajre Da Sitta is a popular punjabi wedding song, which I did not know at the time.
Steven North_Bajre Da Sitta
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Votes and comments

Asoh Vincentel
Asoh Vincentel 11.11.21 14:18
Geradin Foster
Geradin Foster 07.09.19 6:30